Jericho Vol.52 - Embrace Of Despair

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Cuckoo's Nest (Ukr) - Stars And Scars (05:16)
02 - Damnatus (Ita) - Lo specchio del vuoto (07:59)
03 - Melancholic Despair (Fra) - Distorted Reality² (06:31)
04 - Airs (USA) - Airs (05:11)
05 - Wombs of Agony (Fra) - Echoes of Time (04:20)
06 - Neo Noir (Ven) - Pilgrimage Of Misery (06:15)
07 - Absinthropy (Gbr) - Where Only Shadows Stand (05:13)
08 - Hexenmeister (Ukr) - Silence is Broken (06:09)
09 - Side Of Despondency (Rus) - Embrace Of Despair (04:20)
10 - Idisenfluch (Ger) - Nichts Waehrt Ewig (06:51)
11 - Potemtum And Solitude (Col) - Lilian... (04:44)
12 - Calvaire (Sgp) - Absolutes Of Idolism (05:33)
13 - Meta/mor/fos (Swe) - Farväl (05:14)

Total time: 1:13:36

Jericho Vol.51 - Avoidant Personality Disorder

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Sorry... (Grc-Can) - Avoidant Personality Disorder (05:45)
02 - Acordo Doentio (Ago) - Ópera Maligna (07:31)
03 - Асклепия (Rus) - Холод Одиночества (06:23)
04 - Bismillah (Mar/Sgp) - Cold Smill (06:57)
05 - Hekel (Nld) - Doodskou (04:55)
06 - Consider the Following; Suicide (USA) - This Worthless Life (05:01)
07 - Amissa Anima (Cze) - Selfdestruction (06:02)
08 - Wraithe (USA) - Belonging To Nothing (06:27)
09 - Erhängen (Fra) - Ombre (07:06)
10 - Act Happy (Aus) - Goodbye (03:01)
11 - Threads Of The Life (Mex) - The Last Light In This Cave (08:39)
12 - Autumn Laments (Ger) - Gone (06:56)
13 - Waldstille (Rus) - Post Mortem (11:02)

Total time: 1:25:45

Jericho Vol.50 - Death Is The Healer

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Frostveil (Aus) - Longing (07:26)
02 - Déhà (Bel) - Pain Is a Wasteland (07:13)
03 - Griefloss (USA) - Life is Too Long (04:52)
04 - Suicidal Madness (Fra) - Désespoir (08:31)
05 - Ruined Mind (Rus) - Losing Mind (07:44)
06 - Falaise (Ita) - Consumed Soul (06:00)
07 - Heights of Despair (Ita) - On Death (07:19)
08 - Tomorrowillbeworse (Gbr) - Death Is The Healer (08:36)
09 - Sadness (USA) - Eye of Prima (08:43)
10 - Tavaron (Ger) - Depressive Black Art (06:51)
11 - Asahara (USA) - Life Goes On (08:42)
12 - Glädje (Pol) - Świteź (07:40)
13 - None (USA) - A Chance I'd Never Have (07:58)

Total time: 1:37:35

Jericho Vol.49 - As All Hope Slowly Fades

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - V Přítmí (Mex) - Prázdnota (Emptiness) (9:34)
02 - Unsung (Fra) - Overcome (02:27)
03 - Lucifer Effect (Pol) - They Will Meet Tomorrow Morning (04:43)
04 - Hanging Garden (USA) - Sleep Overdose (06:51)
05 - Kursed (Chl) - Into The Loneliness Path (06:25)
06 - Zelfhaat (Nld) - Dodenakker (05:16)
07 - Begotten In Pain (Bra) - Criado e Acabado (04:22)
08 - Tianet (Geo) - Funeral And Monologue (05:19)
09 - Urangst (Ger) - Verfall (04:27)
10 - Take This Life (Aus) - As All Hope Slowly Fades (06:25)
11 - Hysteria (Arg/Bol) - Sueños de Muerte (04:05)
12 - Cry Of Depression (Hnd) - Cry Of Depression (06:29)
13 - Malacath (USA) - Woods of Isolation (06:52)

Total time: 1:13:15

Jericho Vol.48 - Despondency of Life

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Обитель Смерти (Rus) - Разрушение сознания (06:52)
02 - Mysterious Forest (Ukr) - Forest Atmosphere (03:20)
03 - Shab (Irn) - In The Depths Of This Night Heart (05:47)
04 - Hole Below The Bottom (Nld) - Dragged Down Under (05:08)
05 - Imprisonment (USA) - Morning of Mourning (09:37)
06 - Void of Reveries (Can) - Poisonous Thoughts Conjured (06:13)
07 - Potemtum Satan (Col) - Desilus Tristitia (03:50)
08 - Dissonantia (Rus/Ukr) - Dialogue with myself (04:04)
09 - Endless Nostalgia From A Void Mind (Cri) - In The Cradle Of Suicide (08:29)
10 - Underworld (USA) - Despondency of Life (04:07)
11 - Dismal Suffering (Mex) - Schizophrenia paranoid (13:12)
12 - Würm (Can) - Magie Des Arbres Morts (08:25)
13 - Eratomania (Bel) - Lasting Days (05:31)

Total time: 1:24:35

Jericho Vol.47 - My Self Destruction

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Vaer (Gbr/Bel) - Beneath The Shade of Time (12:31)
02 - Diplegia (USA) - Apparition (05:14)
03 - Cień (Pol) - My Misanthropic Utopia (07:47)
04 - Lamentaciones (Col) - Recuerdos Que Inundan Mi Ser (05:28)
05 - L.A.C.K. (Ita) - Stains (09:39)
06 - And Now the Owls Are Smiling (Gbr) - Desolation (07:38)
07 - THNTR (Rus) - Приближается Буря (07:28)
08 - Eyelessight (Ita) - Smarrendo Illusioni (05:56)
09 - Mars Mantra (Ukr) - Hope(less) (06:34)
10 - Emptylife (USA/Grc/Fra) - My Self Destruction (03:36)
11 - Knarkaren (Swe) - Grey Birds Breeding (06:09)
12 - Nyctophilia (Pol) - When Stars Shine No More (09:57)
13 - Desolate Tapes (Fin) - First Winds of Winter (05:51)

Total time: 1:33:48

Jericho Vol.46 - Blood on Snow

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Life Depression (Col) - Gray Vision (09:20)
02 - No Point in Living (Jpn) - Blood on Snow (07:28)
03 - Help (Bra) - Wind (05:33)
04 - The Foetal Mind (Fra) - À La Lumière (04:40)
05 - Angor Animi (Ita) - Cleithrophobia (08:18)
06 - Exiled from Light (Nzl) - Further into Nothingness (08:19)
07 - Wooden Coffins (Blr) - I Hate Myself (03:29)
08 - Lichtblick (Aut) - Feel free to lose your life (06:20)
09 - Nocra (Rus) - In my Dreams (04:22)
10 - Yarek Ovich (Ukr) - Letting Myself Go (05:20)
11 - Мрамор (Rus) - Тьма (06:19)
12 - Totalselfhatred (Fin) - Cold Numbness (07:59)
13 - Depicting Abysm (Rus) - Gathering (10:40)

Total time: 1:28:13

Jericho Vol.45 - Life Lost In Seclusion

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - An Open Letter (USA) - The Root That Grows Among the Rocks (09:01)
02 - Karg (Aut) - Tor Zu Tausend Wüsten (07:11)
03 - 13Trl (Spa) - A Vision of Hate (05:59)
04 - Întristare (USA) - Dancing Tongues (03:24)
05 - Begotten (Can) - Life Lost In Seclusion (09:04)
06 - Cancer (Aus) - The Sleepless Waltz (05:04)
07 - Ofdrykkja (Swe) - Ungdomssår (10:45)
08 - Gnosis of the Void (USA) - Twilight Nocturne (05:16)
09 - Rotten Light (Spa) - Enochian Hate Plague (04:49)
10 - Woeful Echo (USA) - A Single Tear Of Eternity (04:46)
11 - Lebenssucht (Ger/Bgr/Bel) - Beloved Depression (08:44)
12 - Strid (Nor) - End of Life (11:01)
13 - Utburd (Rus) - Rise Of Dagon (07:10)

Total time: 1:32:10

Jericho Vol.44 - Another Day Has Begun

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Suicidal Years (Mex) - Contemplation of Self-Destruction (06:42)
02 - Keyvanoth (Irn) - Sense of Slavery (06:12)
03 - Livsnekad (Swe) - Becksvart Logik (09:58)
04 - Joys of Life (Srb) - Gelb wird Rot (05:21)
05 - Skendöd (Isl-Swe) - Anorexians Svarta Angel (11:33)
06 - My Widow (Rus) - Ангедония (04:36)
07 - Apathetical Syndrome (Rus) - Одиночество (05:47)
08 - Rymr (Rus) - Be My Grave (04:20)
09 - Untold Grief (Rus) - Может завтра не наступит никогда (06:21)
10 - Endless Depression (Ger/Aut) - Sehnsuchts Qual (03:51)
11 - Место Для Курения (Blr) - Молодость (03:18)
12 - Another Day (Ita) - Another Day Has Begun (04:57)
13 - Monotone Depression (Swe) - Out of Tune With Life (04:52)

Total time: 1:17:48

Jericho Vol.43 - Pain Will Come Say Goodbye To You

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Coma. (Aut) - Deathealth (11:49)
02 - Perennial Isolation (Esp) - Above the essence (06:22)
03 - The Depressick (Mex) - Deceiver (05:11)
04 - Inquinamentum (Gbr) - To Wager Scars (06:21)
05 - Afsky (Dnk) - Skær (08:15)
06 - Selvmorrd (Ger) - Mein Ende (05:14)
07 - Katharos XIII (Rou) - Negativity (06:14)
08 - Lunatii (Rus) - Pain Will Come Say Goodbye To You (06:46)
09 - Furia (Pol) - Na Swym Ciele Historie Ma Pisze (06:45)
10 - Absurdoom (Srb) - The Man Who Ate Death (05:32)
11 - Delaying The Inevitable (USA) - Myself (04:02)
12 - A Portrait Of Flesh And Blood (Aut/Jpn/USA) - V: Sorrow (07:54)

Total time: 1:20:21

Jericho Vol.42 - A World, Dead and Gray

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Gravsang (Nor) - Dimt lys over Ikrint Liv (07:49)
02 - Abyssic Hate (Aus) - Depression (Part I) (12:39)
03 - Verstorben (Ger) - Seelenfolter (05:28)
04 - Bonjour Tristesse (Ger) - Alienation (05:32)
05 - Raznoz a Mozgaz (Rus) - the Vale of weeping - IV (05:59)
06 - Broken Life (Ger-Mex) - Leblos (04:10)
07 - Disnomia (Chl) - No Tienen Culpa de Nada (08:08)
08 - None (USA) - A World, Dead and Gray (07:46)
09 - Now Everything Fades (Jor) - The Bridge of Departure (05:29)
10 - Drowning Deeper (USA) - Hopeless (08:32)
11 - На память на запястье (Rus) - Под Замком Одиночества (06:33)
12 - Zenith Maudlin (Tur) - Unutulmuş Hüzün (07:42)

Total time: 1:25:51

Jericho Vol.41 - Come Back

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - As Long As I Can (Bra) - Just Before the Storm (10:49)
02 - Gray Souvenirs (Bra) - The Mentalist (08:44)
03 - Extravaganza (Ltu) - Jaustis Gabiam (05:56)
04 - Seagrave (Aut) - Pistanthrophobia (07:51)
05 - Perpetual Melancholy (Ita) - Vuoto (09:45)
06 - Psychalgia (Rus/Ukr) - Cold Alienation (06:10)
07 - Audial Suicide (Pol) - At the end of my life... (07:03)
08 - Vuthatora (USA) - What They Seek You Cannot Give (04:07)
09 - White Ward (Ukr) - Stillborn Knowledge (08:06)
10 - Agoraphobia (Ita) - Tearless Child (04:48)
11 - Amesoeurs (Fra) - Recueillement (07:00)
12 - Deafheaven (USA) - Come Back (09:17)

Total time: 1:29:41

Jericho Vol.40 - Everything's Fine

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Abysmal Chaos (USA) - Scrying (12:59)
02 - Seventh Genocide (Ita) - Love Is Poison (05:51)
03 - Netra (Fra) - Everything's Fine (05:20)
04 - Grauzeit (Ger) - Betäubung (07:57)
05 - Monophobia (Bra) - Sem Graça (05:06)
06 - Dopamine (Chn) - 水棱 (07:24)
07 - Morari (USA) - Emptiness (04:43)
08 - Ulgoroth (Ger) - Raureif (05:09)
09 - Howling in the Fog (Ita) - Sunburst (06:31)
10 - Ellende (Aut) - Ballade Auf Den Tod (07:45)
11 - Eternal Valley (USA) - The Awakening of Autumn Storms (07:53)
12 - Nocturnal Breeze (Ita) - Lament For The Indifferent (05:08)

Total time: 1:21:52

Jericho Vol.39 - Hatred Towards Myself

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Utburd (Rus) - Because You Are Good! (06:18)
02 - Inexistenz (Svn) - Erkenntnis (05:28)
03 - Suffocated by Misery (USA) - The Void of Bleakness That Lurks in Solitude (05:58)
04 - Araxas (Aut) - Untitled (07:00)
05 - Alone in the Mist (Rus) - Graveyard Of Joys (07:14)
06 - Mountain Depression (Arg) - Becoming An Unnamed Entity (03:29)
07 - Ezkaton (Ukr) - Absence (05:04)
08 - Traurigkeit (Mex) - Distressense (06:26)
09 - Selvhat (Nor) - Selvhat (08:19)
10 - Veil (USA) - Renewal (07:06)
11 - Wintercult (Rus) - Eternal Solitude (09:17)
12 - Afraid of Destiny (Ita) - Hatred Towards Myself (05:14)

Total time: 1:16:58

Jericho Vol.38 - Voices Of Madness, Screams Of Despair

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Kill Me (USA) - These Scars (08:15)
02 - A Tree (Ita) - The Deal Between Nature And Myself (04:59)
03 - Einsicht (Fra) - Nothing (05:47)
04 - На память на запястье (Rus) - All Your Memories (05:29)
05 - Trübsal (Ger) - Vergessene Ehrfurcht (07:20)
06 - Gateway to Selfdestruction (Ger) - Soziopath (06:03)
07 - Isolert (Grc) - Voices Of Madness, Screams Of Despair (06:57)
08 - Thanatomania (Ger) - Drangsal I (08:31)
09 - Ostium (Fra) - Sur l'oracle des silences (06:20)
10 - Dekadens (Pol) - An Emanation Of Grief (04:10)
11 - Drawn Into Descent (Bel) - The Realm of Unbecoming (05:53)
12 - Hollow Lives (Gbr) - A Device Of My Own Construction (08:12)

Total time: 1:18:02

Jericho Vol.37 - Slow Suicide

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Dead End (Fra) - Time Does Not Heal (07:22)
02 - Heights of Despair (Ita) - Take me Away (06:28)
03 - Lunar Hollow (Rus) - Losing My Mind (05:34)
04 - Dymna Lotva (Blr) - Одинокий Человеческий Голос (05:41)
05 - Delvays (Rus) - So dark, so cold (05:08)
06 - Blackened Wood (Fra) - Slow Suicide (05:36)
07 - Mortis Mutilati (Fra) - Morte (04:05)
08 - Montes Insania (Rus-Ukr) - Hospice For All (09:03)
09 - Wintersad (Hnd) - Remember My Pain (05:18)
10 - Mortualia (Fin) - Out (06:16)
11 - No Point in Living (Jpn) - Nothing (06:39)
12 - Sadness (USA) - _____ (05:27)

Total time: 1:12:45
>> Download Jericho Vol.37 - Slow Suicide

>> Listen Jericho Vol.37 - Slow Suicide online on Youtube

Dedicated to Philip “Feela” Vála. My friend and excellent Czech DnB DJ. He died of the consequences of an epileptic seizure. (9.10.1987 - 16.1.2018)
Youtube link

Jericho Vol.36 - Nyctophobia

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Hateful Tomorrow (Rus) - Crossing The Light (07:41)
02 - Ghost Bath (USA) - Luminescence (06:08)
03 - Advent Sorrow (Aus) - Pestilence Shall Come (06:01)
04 - Vanhelga (Swe) - Status - Handlingsförlamad (04:46)
05 - Necrolytic Goat Converter (USA) - Isolated Evolution (05:28)
06 - Taiga (Rus) - Слова потеряют значение (06:32)
07 - Hands of Cernunnos (Rus) - Crying bairn (04:06)
08 - Kryphos (Kor) - Nyctophobia (06:28)
09 - Spiritual Prison (Rus) - Sleep (06:04)
10 - Akari (Rus) - Кома (06:27)
11 - Deadspace (Aus) - Below the Human Scumline (04:33)
12 - Suicidal Psychosis (Germany/Sweden/Spain) - Suicidal Deafening Silence (07:25)

Total time: 1:11:45

Jericho Vol.35 - When I Fade

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Imber Luminis (Bel) - We are not Free (05:08)
02 - Ter Ziele (Bel) - W h e n - I - F a d e (12:26)
03 - Hertless (Gbr) - Restless (05:24)
04 - Azalea (USA) - Northern Cold Cries (06:13)
05 - Stillness (Ita) - L.D.L.T. (In Memory Of...) (06:26)
06 - Deadlife (Swe) - Where Life Ends (07:15)
07 - Vigilia (Arg) - Desolado en un Parque Junto a los Arboles (04:39)
08 - Defuntos (Prt) - A Eterna Danca Da Morte (06:20)
09 - Worthless Life (USA) - Pathetic Suicide (05:32)
10 - Dismal (Chn) - Neter (04:39)
11 - Born an Abomination (USA) - Naturality (13:54)

Total time: 1:17:56

Jericho Vol.34 - Grey Mo(u)rning

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Мрамор (Rus) - Эскапизм (04:58)
02 - Alexander Paul Blake (Ger) - 1. Szene: Walden (07:13)
03 - Heksena (Fin) - Astral Sorrow (08:51)
04 - My Useless Life (USA) - Grey Mo(u)rning (07:14)
05 - ColdWorld (Ger) - Climax Of Sorrow (06:56)
06 - Some Happy Thoughts (Can) - Du gris (Toujours du gris) (06:04)
07 - Cold Internal Corrosion (Bra) - Cinza Espectral (07:42)
08 - Andreas Rönnberg (Swe) - Green Line (05:25)
09 - Meuchelmord (Ger) - Orkan (04:49)
10 - Kørper (Swe) - Gravitas (11:19)

Total time: 1:10:27

Jericho Vol.33 - Selvmordstanker

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Eutanásia (Bra) - Sorrow Of My Life Wast Away To Kill Me (07:13)
02 - Internal Cold (Rus) - Nothing Will Turn Out Well (08:25)
03 - Gurum (Bra) - Sinking Down in a Sea of Sorrows (06:16)
04 - P.H.T.O (Fra) - Affliction (09:23)
05 - Mevil Nekrotica (Rus) - Диагноз (05:09)
06 - Fäulnis (Ger) - Galgen, kein Humor (04:48)
07 - Morthond (USA) - Writhing In Pain (05:05)
08 - Heimleiden (Ger) - Zerbrochen (12:28)
09 - Nvblado (Bra) - Angústia (06:38)
10 - Intig (Swe/Dnk/USA) - Selvmordstanker (08:44)
11 - IER (Arg) - Suicidio (08:20)
12 - Unwanted Existence (Ven/Mex) - Rainy Days (Tragedy Part I) (08:48)

Total time: 1:31:13

Jericho Vol.32 - I Am Thy Razor

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Life's Illness (Nld) - I Am Thy Razor (12:58)
02 - Kalmankantaja (Fin) - Maailmankaski (06:51)
03 - Inclemency (Aus) - The Salt And The Wind And The Cold (05:22)
04 - Suicide Emotions (Ita) - My Faithful Weakness (10:39)
05 - Germ (Aus) - Escape (08:25)
06 - Wehmut (Ger) - Pathos (08:17)
07 - Zuriaake (Chn) - 天庭 (07:19)
08 - Autumn's Dawn (Aus) - Through the Rusted Gates of Time (04:33)
09 - Moonlight Drowns (Dnk) - Under Raven and Forest (06:52)
10 - Coldnight (Col) - Fading Out (08:15)

Total time: 1:19:33

Jericho Vol.31 - The Haunting Illusion

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Fornicatus (Fin) - Negative Fields We Wander (11:24)
02 - Octomber (Rus) - Forgive Us (05:59)
03 - Nyctophilia (Lva) - Nausea (04:27)
04 - Anima (Ita) - Fragments of Nothing (07:08)
05 - Keine Hoffnung (Chl) - Lost Lucidity (06:52)
06 - Hysteria (Arg/Bol) - Deep Depression (02:30)
07 - Elegi (Swe) - Skogens Ådror (06:06)
08 - Clair Cassis (USA) - Ambercandle (05:42)
09 - Astray (Ita/Egy) - The Haunting Illusion (09:04)
10 - Worthless Life (USA) - Why (05:24)
11 - Lifeless (Mex) - Painful life (07:25)
12 - Beyond Light (Nld) - Coming Back at Last (07:11)

Total time: 1:19:08

Jericho Vol.30 - Silence Of Cold Forest

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

1 - [Für] (Blr) - Hopelessness (08:09)
2 - Abysmal Chaos (USA) - Visions From Blood Loss (11:22)
3 - Suicidal Madness (Fra) - Démence (07:51)
4 - Dreariness (Ita) - Somnium (7:47)
5 - Kall Ensamhet (Ger) - Silence Of Cold Forest (05:44)
6 - Alldrig (Arg) - Our last Gleam of Hope (05:12)
7 - Razörschrieck (Rus) - Restless (10:36)
8 - Black Whispers (Cri) - Never-Ending Unsteadiness (07:43)
9 - Sapaudia (Fra-Swe) - Я Очень Хочу Забыть (10:47)

Total time: 1:15:15

1 - Lost Life (Ger) - Death, Pierce Me (Silencer Cover) (10:17)
2 - Side Of Despondency (Rus) - The Funeral Rain (I Shalt Become Cover) (04:04)
3 - Necrotek (Idn) - Instrumental Asylum (Lifelover Cover) (05:09)
4 - Black Whispers (Cri) - Dying (Life Neglected Cover) (08:12)
5 - Happy Days (USA) - Sneni (Trist cover) (10:07)
6 - Worthless Life (USA) - Sleep Forever (Cheerful Depression Cover) (04:50)
7 - Suicidal Years (Mex) - Nostalgia (Nocturnal Depression Cover) (03:49)
8 - Howling in the Fog (Ita) - Percées De Lumièrer (Alcest Cover) (06:40)
9 - Psychonaut 4 (Geo) - Nackskott (Lifelover Cover) (02:54)
10 - Darkeater (Rus) - Suicide Winds (Veil cover) (04:00)
11 - Nocturnal Depression (Fra) - Manchmal wenn Sie schläft (Nargaroth Cover) (18:05)

Total time: 1:18:10

Jericho Vol.29 - Welcome To My (ANTI)Life

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Antilife (Fra) - Welcome To My (ANTI)Life (5:59)
02 - Hier (Ven) - Pensées d'hier (5:41)
03 - Sad (Grc) - Solitude (8:00)
04 - Suðri (Chl) - Einsam... (6:16)
05 - Rive (Sjm) - Hopeless (5:04)
06 - Hora 04:11 (Mex) - The Saddest Luckiest (5:14)
07 - Pale From Sunlight (USA) - Time Heals Nothing (5:29)
08 - Hiems (Ita) - Wounds Just Death Can Heal (6:48)
09 - Psychonaut 4 (Geo) - Too Late to call an Ambulance (6:07)
10 - Harakiri for the Sky (Aut) - Funeral Dreams (8:59)
11 - Endlife (Srb) - Silence (5:14)

Total time: 1:08:51

Jericho Vol.28 - Pain, Lament and Loneliness

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Mist (Swe) - Forever Will Be Lost (14:19)
02 - Lebensgefahr (Swe) - Det Luktar Sorg (05:11)
03 - Life Memories (USA) - Pain, Lament and Loneliness (08:33)
04 - Accursed (Lka) - Where Withered Trees Mourn (10:23)
05 - Happy Days (USA) - Freedom Of Silence (06:29)
06 - Dormant Seed (Col) - A Sad Memory (03:48)
07 - Alene Misantropi (Esp) - Absence Of Light (09:57)
08 - Left Alone... (USA) - Coldly as embers rise (09:31)
09 - Pain is a Narcotic (Aus) - A Life Of Sorrow (05:30)

Total time: 1:13:38

Jericho Vol.27 - The Art of Schizophrenia

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Gudsforladt (USA) - I Drowned Myself (9:56)
02 - Triebtat (Ger) - Asphyxie (7:40)
03 - Untold Grief (Rus) - Не выходи из комнаты (6:29)
04 - Eurythmie (Ger) - Failed Healing Practicable (3:38)
05 - Colossal Void (Prt) - Womb III (6:38)
06 - Utter Blackness (USA) - No Hope, No Sorrow (5:38)
07 - Garden of Grief (Aut) - The Art Of Schizophrenia (4:51)
08 - Perseverance (Aus) - Trauma (3:39)
09 - Northorn (Idn) - Painted the cold heart (5:08)
10 - Esse Delirium (Rus) - Последняя встреча (6:07)
11 - In Flagrante Delicto (Grc) - Antigrecia (5:18)

Total time: 1:05:02

Jericho Vol.26 - Dream, This Is The Last Time You'll Do It

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

1 - Ömheten (Swe) - Själv (06:06)
2 - Khaossos (Fin) - Polkuni Vailla Suuntaa (06:29)
3 - Funeral Oppression (Rus) - In This Stunning Silence (10:33)
4 - Vinter (Mex) - Dream, This Is The Last Time You'll Do It (07:02)
5 - Morto (Ecu) - Plegaria Misantrópica (08:29)
6 - Grauzeit (Ger) - Antagonist (11:14)
7 - Melancholie Suicidaire (Ger) - Suizid (4:48)
8 - Sieghetnar (Ger) - Schwerelos (4:56)

Total time: 59:37

Jericho Vol.25 - The End

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

1 - Intig (Swe) - Worthless Being (5:44)
2 - Hypothermia (Swe) - Vy (8:12)
3 - Heimleiden (Ger) - Graue Wogen (8:51)
4 - Nocturnal Depression (Fra) - Un immense désespoir (7:20)
5 - Funeral Demon (Isr) - The One Who Brings Death (6:37)
6 - Forgotten Tomb (Ita) - Hurt Yourself and the Ones You Love (7:34)
7 - Psychonaut 4 (Geo) - Suicide Is Legal (6:29)
8 - Morodh (Rus) - The End (6:27)
9 - Ohol Yeg (Tur) - Becoming the Reality (6:08)

Total time: 1:03:22

Jericho Vol.24 - Aš Tave Subadysiu (I Will Stab You)

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

01 - Sick's Agony (Ita) - Obsessive Paranoia (11:11)
02 - Palace of Worms (USA) - Anomaly (3:41)
03 - Shining (Swe) - Vilja & Dröm (6:20)
04 - Selbstentleibung (Aut) - Diagnose Subjekt Irreparabel (4:21)
05 - Out Of This World (Bul) - Ignorance (4:09)
06 - Depressive Winter (Fra) - Delicious Sorrow (5:45)
07 - Pergalė (Ltu) - Aš Tave Subadysiu (I Will Stab You) (6:05)
08 - Deafheaven (Usa) - Dream House (9:15)
09 - Argharus (Ltu) - Viskas Perniek (5:38)
10 - Lethal Diabolic (Cze) - Dicio Et Ops (Bonus Track) (4:25)

Total time: 1:00:50

Jericho Vol.23 - Hinter Grauen Wänden

Genre: Depressive Black Metal

1 - Kistvaen (Rou) - A Journey in Cold Blood (9:59)
2 - Oppressive Light (Fra,Mex) - Part I - Refuse (4:55)
3 - Norskian Anathium (Rus) - October - Thunderstorm (10:23)
4 - Darkeater (Rus) - Апатия (8:10)
5 - Infinitas (Ger) - Hinter Grauen Wänden (9:21)
6 - Rutonkantaja (Fin) - To the Gallows (14:19)
7 - Dodsferd (Gre) - Follower of the Doctrine of lying (5:33)
8 - Nostalgic Reflections (Aus) - Lachrymose (14:27)

Total time: 1:17:07

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